Business coaching and training solutions
Empowering in Customer Facing
A tailored program for international businesses, whose aim is to strengthen their performance and create lasting relationships. This relates to both the team itself, as well as to the internal and external customers in an organisation based…
Executive Coaching
Executive coaching process targeting business owners, board members and managers. The aim is to increase business efficiency and develop leadership skills in the rapidly changing VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) world.
Coaching for individual clients
Life and Business Leverage
The program Life and Business Leverage is for women who build their own business, want to reconcile their life roles and feel fulfilled at the same time. Being a wife, a mother of two teenagers, a used to be-corpo employee, and today an entrepreneur, I have gone through this difficult process and am proving my personal success. Today, I support businesswomen who take responsibility for their lives.
Challenge your Change
The program Challenge your Change is for women or men working full-time, who not only want to develop, but have the courage to change their lives. By taking conscious and responsible changes (internal motivation) without waiting for them to be forced by the situation (external motivation), we build self- trust and confidence. It is neither straightforward nor easy journey, but once we reach our Mount Everest…
How I work:
The process of creating the program enables the development of a tailor-made solution
The workshops are based on the cycle of David A. Kolb, where participants will gain experience and understanding of the full learning process in practice.